Mediation Voucher Scheme Extension

Save up to £500 towards your costs if you wish to mediate on your arrangements for your children

Relate Mediation London North East & Essex are pleased to announce the extension of the Family Mediation Voucher scheme which allows us to provide a £500 voucher to support the cost of mediation when parents need to agree arrangements for their children

The Ministry of Justice has announced an extension to the scheme to support families with the cost of mediation. The aim is to encourage parents to see the benefits of resolving their disagreements outside of the family court.

This will mean parents who have felt excluded from mediation due to the cost will now have the opportunity to mediate knowing their costs, if any, will be achievable.

This extension allows us to offer this voucher until mid-December.

Key Information for parents:


  • The vouchers are for mediating child arrangements only
  • The voucher can be used alongside legal aid
  • There is no application form to be completed – we do all the paperwork for you
  • The Mediator will talk to you about the scheme when you attend your MIAM (Mediation Information Assessment Meeting)
  • The voucher does not cover your Mediation Information meeting

Please call  020 8514 7880


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Coronavirus (Covid 19)

Relate Mediation London North East & Essex are still open

Telephone us between 10am – 3pm but you can leave us a message outside of those hours and we will call you as soon as we can

We understand the difficulties some people are experiencing during this challenging time – please talk to us in confidentially if paying for services would be difficult. We can offer legal aid or may be able to reduce your fee.

We can also support you if you are struggling at this time with a breakdown in your relationship or contact arrangements for your children are not working – we may be able to offer some useful, supportive information – You are under no obligation if you call us.